Okay, not a 1 minute recap, but my take on 1 minute as a three sentence summary for Chapters 1-10:

Orphaned sibyl, Ella Dae, starts a new school, in a new town, where all eyes are watching and waiting for her to crack; Ella must live a lie or put a whole world at risk: the mythological Aietherian world hiding in plain sight of humanity.

In her first two days she’s given her math teacher CPR (long enough for the paramedics to arrive), been evacuated from a school fire (where she’s supposed to be getting recognized for said heroism), had a panic-attack fueled barrage of dark visions depicting a multitude of life altering events, and been “attacked” by a group of classmates: barraged by an over enthusiastic school welcome committee, eager to include her in school and town spirit; and a werewolf, despite for the seers help.

By the third day she’s needed her witch guardian to heal broken bones, gotten soaked in an ominous electrically charged storm, and found out her math teacher has died - all before class has started.

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That’s a way better quick catch up than Chris or I managed!

I’ve never been good at summarizing my books. I can’t either do two sentences, or twenty minutes. 🤦‍♀️

At in-person events, I have to hand over my books to have people read the back cover. Otherwise I’m trying to tell someone about The Cursebound Thief and end up going into why Ari is badass and why Jerek would fall apart without her rather than talking about the actual plot.

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