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Chapter 1 was fantastic! It's going to be such a challenge for me to be patient for a new chapter each week, I'm such a binger πŸ˜…. At the same time I'm looking forward to experience that sort of slow burn falling in love with every detail of the universe. Which is something I really appreciate about the discussion you two have after Chris reads the chapter - drawing attention to details and moments that I might have considered less deliberately otherwise.

I think this praxis will be a really cool way for English students to explore writing and reading stories. I remember way back in high school being really annoying having to interpret books in a way that had a right or wrong answer and attribute significance and meaning to things without any feedback from the author. I've grown over the years to realize that the meaning a reader makes from a book is just as important -in its own way- as author intent; but it's refreshing to actually get to hear your intent and thoughts as your working. It gives a whole new depth to experiencing the story.

I'm sure I have a million other comments scattered around my brain, but for now I'll go with a few questions...

Firstly, formatting/ technical questions:

1) Will a text version of each chapter available in the Substack post as we continue on? -I love listening, but can have some auditory processing issues and would appreciate being able to read along or after listening too.

2) You mention video... I'm currently using the Stubstack app and just getting an audio version of the podcast. Is the video available somewhere, because I'd love to see your silly faces, lol. If not that's cool too, I just don't want to be missing out πŸ˜…

Story process question(s):

This is such a novel novel (hehe). You clearly have a story, or multiple stories, set out for this universe. You've said you've done a lot more plotting out than you usually do before writing. And you're not releasing things live- you've written and recorded at least a few of these before sharing to give yourself some grace. But you're also writing this one chapter at a time and will be getting reader input as you go. (At least, you'll be getting my thoughts, you know I can't keep my opinions and excitement to myself πŸ˜…πŸ˜…).

What degree do you think the story will be influenced along the way from such early interaction with the materials? Or are you going to try and block out this external component and stick to your original plans and just talk us through them? What are you anticipating?

I guess in theater terms (maybe? I don't really know) how much of this process do you consider strictly performative vs say an improve that necessarily collaboates (to some degree) with the audience?

Story question:

Is the girl with the black hair in chem class, sitting in front of our wolf, who smiled tightly the antagonist? I want to say you're leading us to think its green shirt girl, since you've called her out a few times and the way she was talking to the teacher- but I think thats misdirection. Blond brickwall as an antagonist could be a twist too, but I'm pretty sure you're setting up a possible love interest there. And wolfy just seems too obvious; clearly important and doesn't automatically lile protagonist so they're probably going to have to work together or become friends.... Those are my initial guesses anyway, lol.

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