I spent the day in the ER with dehydration from a stomach bug - so my comment this week is bleh.
But Im together enough to remember to say:
Heck yes, take advantage of those good brain days. I'm not counting that as cheating at all. You gotta do it AND stopped at the end of a scene instead of writing the whole chapter - snaps, I'm impressed. I also REALLY can't wait to hear the chapter next week! Yay Caleb and Ella.
Related to the Ibrea re-read and substack (yay!) I started a google doc a few years ago where I was putting all the chatacter discriptions and mythology quotes, etc... for a wiki-esq ability to get the info (especially for people who just listen to the audiobook which makes it harder to find specific bits again quickly or know how to spell things) but I fuzled out on working on it. I am SO excited that you're giving us the substack with notes, easter eggs, universe stuff that didn't make it into the actual books 😍
Oh no! I hope you're feeling better. Sitting in the ER, feeling like shit, is an awful way to spend the day.
For writing on good brain days, I'm really glad I feel like I'm having them again now that the lupus has calmed down a bit, but there is always that fear of slipping back, you know? Like what if this is the last good brain day I have all week? I've got to power through everything!
Which wrings out my brain and starts stealing my good brain day potential. Sigh.
It's a vicious cycle.
Has being sick made your brain worse? Ech. I'm so sorry. Stupid physical shit making thinking harder sucks.
I like the Ilbrea wiki-esq idea for searchability. I'll brainstorm how to make that work on my website/whatever Substack I make. I'm just now starting to realize how deep the Ilbrea lore and cast list really go. Having a user-friendly reference system before jumping into the sorcerers series would probably be a good idea.
I struggle so much with overworking my brain because of the trying-to-get-as-much-out-of-good-brain-days anxiety and cause burnout and post exertional malaise that lasts for way too long. It is a vicious cycle. I'm really bad at learning to pace myself too, it just feels so good to be able to think again that I want to chase that high.
Feeling physically shitty definitely doesn't help my brain work any better, thats for sure! Ha. I can power through a lot--or at least I used to be able to. I did my Master's degree with a constant migraine; I'm still not sure how I made it theough all my classes and exams and well everything for so long. Then I did my PhD course work in constant pain from endometriosis while I jumped through hoops to convince the doctors to actually do my excision surgery. I'd put that pain level pretty much on par with appendicitis. Once that was finally adressed I was able to notice the gastroparesis pain. ...well fuck, no wonder why my ability to think has been on a downward spiral for the past 13 years.
The dehydration was the worse bit this time. I had to relisten to this podcast twice to follow along - which was at least a nice distraction, lol. You and Chris make good ER company hahaha.
I'm finally starting to feel back to "normal" and actually checking emails and getting back online and such. Just in time for the disgusting bullying and Idiocracy that was yesterday's "press conference" 🙃
I spent the day in the ER with dehydration from a stomach bug - so my comment this week is bleh.
But Im together enough to remember to say:
Heck yes, take advantage of those good brain days. I'm not counting that as cheating at all. You gotta do it AND stopped at the end of a scene instead of writing the whole chapter - snaps, I'm impressed. I also REALLY can't wait to hear the chapter next week! Yay Caleb and Ella.
Related to the Ibrea re-read and substack (yay!) I started a google doc a few years ago where I was putting all the chatacter discriptions and mythology quotes, etc... for a wiki-esq ability to get the info (especially for people who just listen to the audiobook which makes it harder to find specific bits again quickly or know how to spell things) but I fuzled out on working on it. I am SO excited that you're giving us the substack with notes, easter eggs, universe stuff that didn't make it into the actual books 😍
Oh no! I hope you're feeling better. Sitting in the ER, feeling like shit, is an awful way to spend the day.
For writing on good brain days, I'm really glad I feel like I'm having them again now that the lupus has calmed down a bit, but there is always that fear of slipping back, you know? Like what if this is the last good brain day I have all week? I've got to power through everything!
Which wrings out my brain and starts stealing my good brain day potential. Sigh.
It's a vicious cycle.
Has being sick made your brain worse? Ech. I'm so sorry. Stupid physical shit making thinking harder sucks.
I like the Ilbrea wiki-esq idea for searchability. I'll brainstorm how to make that work on my website/whatever Substack I make. I'm just now starting to realize how deep the Ilbrea lore and cast list really go. Having a user-friendly reference system before jumping into the sorcerers series would probably be a good idea.
I struggle so much with overworking my brain because of the trying-to-get-as-much-out-of-good-brain-days anxiety and cause burnout and post exertional malaise that lasts for way too long. It is a vicious cycle. I'm really bad at learning to pace myself too, it just feels so good to be able to think again that I want to chase that high.
Feeling physically shitty definitely doesn't help my brain work any better, thats for sure! Ha. I can power through a lot--or at least I used to be able to. I did my Master's degree with a constant migraine; I'm still not sure how I made it theough all my classes and exams and well everything for so long. Then I did my PhD course work in constant pain from endometriosis while I jumped through hoops to convince the doctors to actually do my excision surgery. I'd put that pain level pretty much on par with appendicitis. Once that was finally adressed I was able to notice the gastroparesis pain. ...well fuck, no wonder why my ability to think has been on a downward spiral for the past 13 years.
The dehydration was the worse bit this time. I had to relisten to this podcast twice to follow along - which was at least a nice distraction, lol. You and Chris make good ER company hahaha.
I'm finally starting to feel back to "normal" and actually checking emails and getting back online and such. Just in time for the disgusting bullying and Idiocracy that was yesterday's "press conference" 🙃
Oh and the ice monster foreshadowing.... Nope, no no no, no, nope. Thats going to be terrifying. Im also excited for all that