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I just love waking up and seeing the notification that the next podcast is up. Such a great way to start the morning!

I already added my chapter specific comment to the text post, so on to the podcast.

Firstly, you two are great as always, and yes, your playfully picking on each other probably will help get more listeners. I know I think its adorable to listen to. 😊

I loved all the discussions on how visions work. While Chris was reading, I got the impression that trying to piece together what visions means was like remebering dreams. Everything sort of twists together.

What a terrible burden trying to sort that all out and then deciding if you should act, must be.

The way you described Ella's visions sound more dissociative than the lack of filter example you used for the rest of fae experiences.

Like the degree I dissociate during a panic attack can very- if I know I'm likely to have a panic attack I can be more prepared to handle it vs when one just hits for no reason.

It also reminds me of an experience I have as a lucid dreamer. I'm a frequent lucid dreamer, in that I usually know when I'm dreaming and while I can't necessarily direct my dreams I can usually reorient myself and remind myself its just a dream. However, I sometimes get in these weird states where I'm not fully asleep while dreaming- and it the lines between reality and the dream blurr so much I have a hard time knowing whats real and whats a dream as I struggle to wake up.

As for Fae senses- I really love that you explore different ways of processing with these characters. They aren't just supernaturally advantaged in some way- they have to interact in world not designed for them, and you don't just gloss over that. I wonder how someone neurotypical and able-bodied interprets these characters - what depth of understanding they are lacking having not had such experiences.

Which actually leads to my final big comment for this podcast, regarding transcripts for accessibility - I know you are limited in what you are allowed to provide and support your individual followers using whatever tools they need to create transcripts if they need to in order to engage with the material... Whats the risk to you with the Zon if one of your listeners creates a transcript and shares it with others? Hypothetically, could someone transcribe the podcast and share a link to it in the comments? Or on a seperate fan-site that you have no association with (say a private FB group)?

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