Damn, I had started a second comment, begining with am I being *too much* commenting so often, and accidentally closed Substack and lost it all. I had Paige and Hailey jokes and everything. I think the universe provided the answer: yes, I'm over- enthusiastically obnoxious. So I'll just hit a few points of the podcast discussion and then slink outta here.

I love Paige. I love how she's presented on the page, and I love the extra background information we get from your discussions. I love her heart, her enthusiasm, and her inclusivity. I think its also safe to assume she's also a very anxious, tightly wound person, and that adds lends itself to a very interesting dynamic between her and Ella for the rest of the book that I'm excited to hear more of. Not to be all HP supportive or whatever, but Paige definitely gives me Hufflepuff golden retriever vibes. Hardworking, compassionate, welcoming, all-in, and a littttttle obessive. Lol.

The bonus info we get about Ella's mom is really interesting too. Its one of those extra details that really rounded out a bit of the universe for me, and made me go "ohhh 🤦 of course." Like, if course Ella's family moved around a lot- staying in one place for too long could totally get suspicious. But at the same time, being werewolves, of course they needed an anchor to the community. Being otherwise unteathered would be so difficult for them. I like the idea of her having made her own not to the Aitherion community coctails. Its fun trivia, and bonus for good drink recipes you can make and immerse yourself in the universe, right 😉.

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All the new audio cues are excellent, they add a really fun ambiance on top of being useful.

I had made a comment about having to do a re-read in the chapter post when the perspective switched - not the audio switch. The tricky part for me was that Substack doesn't make the page break in the published text very clear. In my personal experience the formatting differences in the Substack editor and publihed piece is frustrating.

Annnnd I've had this comment open for typing for like an hour, but my brain went ☠️. When it kicks on again and lets me think, I'll hopefully be able to come back and comment on story stuff - because I love this chapter and podcast episode.

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